
The three months of compulsory education were over. In Bian's room, Ouyang Ming and An Luofeng had gone to the sanctuaries. Bian waited for Xue Wen before going himself. When he came in he said to him.

"Xue, I've been studying hyper geno arts and I think you may be harming yourself." Bian said immediately.

Xue Wen was confused he didn't expect to meet anyone when he came in much less to hear this from him. He asked for clarification, "what do you mean?"

Bian stoop up and responded "I can't be sure unless I see the geno art up close but from observing you practice it I think you may have complications further down the line. Just think about what I said." Bian left the room.

After three months of working for the Saints Hall, he was deemed trust worthy. He signed a contract of confidentiality and was sent 300 virtual images of different documents that needed to be decoded and translated.

Bian had translated 100 of such documents and set them to automatically be updated once every three days, with nothing holding him back he teleported into the sanctuaries.

After leaving steel armor shelter, he journeyed until he reached a waterfall. He jumped into the waterfall and transformed into a giant tiger, the Giant Tiger used its tyrannical strength to avoid being crushed by the pressure as it continues to swim downwards until it entered a hole in the water. It swam forward and came up into a cave filled with air before turning back to a human.

In the cave Bian saw the manticore and the black fanged snake. The Manticore fed the snake daily, Bian would occasionally get some beast souls from the creatures it killed. The primitive snake could never escape from a sacred blood manticore. 

Bian walked up to the cage and opened it, a dark-gold marble like beetle lay in it still as lively as ever. He picked up his trusty old sai dagger and stabbed the aperture in its stomach.

"Super creature black beetle killed. No beast soul gained. Eat the life essence to gain 0 to 10 super geno points. Meat inedible."

Bian's face turned ashen. He felt like puking out blood. He picked up the life essence which looked like a dark gold marble, it was stone cold in the mouth and didn't dissolve at all. 

Bian sighed, he removed the fangs of the black fanged snake, and fed it the super gene. It would take another year to make another super creature, he ordered the manticore to watch over the snake while he went back to the alliance and bought a Z-steel bars, he also bought a cubic metre block of osmium, the heaviest metal available.

He carried it to the teleporter with great difficulty and out of steel armor shelter, while moving at a snail pace. He ignored the stares of the people as he located the waterfall, he used vital point targeting and pushed it into the hole. The manticore and the Giant Tiger pulled the block out of the water with great difficulty. 

Bian lay on the ground as he caught his breath. The Manticore pushed the block while he transformed again and dug out a bigger hole in the ground. He injured the snake's skull and put the clench in there, then tossed it into the pit and covered it with the Z-steel bars. Before placing the osmium block on top.

He left the manticore behind as he made his way to devil's desert. As he ran he would use sparticle continuously the speed boost of sparticle was exhilarating. When he got tired, he summoned his mount and rode it there.

In the desert Bian saw a scene from afar Qin Xuan and some squad members were assaulted by rock worms and horned foxes while protecting a girl, he rushed forward and found a worm the size of a house, on it stood the sacred-blood fox.

Rushing forward while using sparticle Bian ducked and weaved in between primitive and mutant rock worms, the fox king saw his moves disdain evident in its eyes.

Bian bent down, then using sparticle at full force made a beeline towards the fox. Before he could reach the fox the golden rock worm king positioned its mouth ready to swallow him whole.

Still in motion Bian transformed into a five meter tall giant tiger, and gave the rock worm King a slap, even with the massive strength of the tiger, it left only a few white marks on the defensive rock skin.

Bian turned back human, squatted and used sparticle to jump straight to the fox while the rock worm King was disoriented, the sacred-blood fox dodged his assault and countered with its frightening claws.

Bian transformed into the tiger, received the blow and struck back, he was bleeding but the fox was more injured. It hopped off the golden rock worm King and ran into the distance. 'That damned fox' thought Bian. 

The army of foxes retreated giving breathing space to Qin Xuan and her men.

"Who is that" asked Wang mengmeng

"A friend" Qin Xuan replied not expecting Bian to come to their rescue.

As the rock worm King slammed the tiger repeatedly against the sand, it continued to claw at its beans sized eyes, the rock worm King moved in the direction of a cliff in a panic. After breaking off a portion of the rock armor around its eye, Bian returned to his human form and summoned a beast soul spear.



He swung down with all his might and impaled the eye of the rock worm King, Bian looked ahead at the crevice and quickly jumped of the rock worm King. It fell down the crevice and died with a huge thud.

"Sacred-blood golden rock worm king killed. No beast soul gained. Eat its flesh to gain 0 to 10 sacred geno points randomly."

Bian was on the verge of crying, could someone be so unlucky. He didn't get a super beast soul, he also didn't get a sacred beast soul pet that would become super once it evolved.

Qin Xuan came over after killing the remaining rock worms.

"Bian, you came to our rescue, you have my thanks" Bian could have chosen to ignore them but he came to their rescue instead.

"Nice to meet you" Wang mengmeng shook his hand.

"No problem, that's what friends are for. Are you still hunting?" Bian asked

"No, we will go back now and regroup." She paused looked at Bian and said "You've paid back what you owed" with that they returned to steel armor shelter.

After Bian ensured he was all alone he unsummoned the manticore and re-summoned it beside him. Together they searched the vast plains and dunes of sand.

After searching for five days, Bian came across a sand dune that was constantly shifting he called for the manticore and with a flap, it came to his side.

He sat on top of it and they rode into the shifting sand, underneath it was a cave.

'Me and caves huh?' Bian though to himself. He saw the underground river in the distance and the blue light that filled up the cavern like stars. Many unknown vines were wrapped on the rocks.

"I planned on coming here after getting a super armor, but that didn't work out so here goes nothing!" Bian said cheering himself up.