
After hours, the fighting began to take a toll on Bian. The Bloody Centipede, Holy Angel and Tyrant Minotaur were fine attributing to their status as super creatures.

Bian felt the weight of his limbs increase exponentially, the centipede also noticed this weakness and aimed specifically for him.

Bian fell back for a bit to catch his breath, he observed the centipede as the angel and minotaur fought against it.

'It slightly turns it head occasionally to look at the wall' Bian noticed this insignificant movement of the creature. When Bian stays still, he can micro perceive his environments.

Bian took a glance at what the bloody centipede looked at, his eye made contact with the lightning symbol engraved in the wall. Time seemed to slow to a crawl, it felt like an eternity had passed before he could look away.

After his eyes left the symbol the normal flow of time returned.

'So it needs to look at that sign' Bian summoned the golden growler.

"Block it" he said and rushed to join the fray. The golden growler ran to the front of the lightning sign and blocked it with its humongous frame.

The bloody centipede seemed enraged, it tried going after the golden growler but Bian was there to stand in it's way.

As long as they knew the destination of the centipede they could counter it. In a rage the creature fought them for hours, it's movement eventually got sloppy and it was beheaded by the Holy Angel.

[Super creature Bloodied underground beast killed. No beast soul gained. Eat the life essence to gain 0 to 10 super geno points. Meat inedible.]

A blood red life essence appeared where the centipede disappeared. Bian could finally breathe easy, without the threat of the centipede he approached the lightning engraving.

The Tyrant Minotaur and Holy Angel stood at his back to protect him from any undiscovered threat. Bian sat down, closed his eye, faced the engraving then opened his eye.

The energy seems to move up.

The energy seems to move down.

The energy seems to rotate.

The energy seems to be static.

As he sat there observing the lightning sign, time seems to be dilated. Bian loses his sense of self and becomes one with the energy.


"Huh" Bian looked down and held his stomach.

He was hungry, he looked at the lighting sign, he named it the lightning rune. Other than slowing time down, it had no other effect. The trance like state only happened because he let it happen.

He unsummoned his pets and rode the golden growler to the waterfall, using the wings of the super dragonfly, he flew up for hours until he found the exit.

Bian rushed to the underground cave and rushed back to steel armor shelter, he saw Han Yan waiting.

"Sorry about the delay, something came up" Bian said apologetically.

"Really?" Han Yan had waited two days for Bian.

With a wry smile Bian unveiled the life essence in his bag, it was the size of a football.

Han Yan had stars in her eyes. She pulled Bian into her embrace, it was warm.

Zero stood there looking confused. Han Yan found a corner to consume the life essence and maxed out her super geno points.

She took Zero and left the sanctuaries. Bian was left by himself.

He fed the black crystal to the Holy angel, a white cocoon enveloped her.

Bian went to the military faction, Yang Manli was left in charge of the special squad, he greeted her and they spoke.

"Is it possible for me to trade sacred-blood creatures of first god sanctuary for those in second god sanctuary." Bian went straight to the point as usual.

"Yes such a thing is possible, but we can't help you here. We have no traders interested in swapping a second god sanctuary beast soul for a first god sanctuary beast soul." Yang Manli burst his bubble.

"Alright then, I have a commission for the military" Bian said with a sigh. 

Yang Manli raised an eyebrow.

"Sacred-blood beast souls are to be transferred to two people, Manwei Ran and Han Sen." Bian and Yang Manli formed a contract where the military would help those two no matter where they appeared.

Bian was told to give the beast souls to a surrogate who would arrive the next day. When Han Yan came back, he told her and she agreed.

Bian was a multi-billionaire, rather selling his beast soul, giving them to the military was a much better action. His donation would also increase his value with the military.

Han Yan and Bian handed over all their beast souls, other than the super beast souls, berserk beast souls and pet beast souls.

"Don't you want to go back?" Han Yan inquired.

"No, let's evolve" Bian said resolutely.

They went to the Evolution Palace in steel armor shelter, Bian went in first. He took off all his clothes and dived into an ancient pool with four guardian heads on all sides, spewing a transparent liquid into the pool.

It was cool, extremely refreshing. The liquid rejuvenated his cells, it washed away all his impurities. His body felt lighter and stronger, the feeling of getting stronger was too tantalizing.

[Evolution successful. Status of evolver gained. 100 years added to lifespan. Super body empirical will gained.]

[Bian Manwei:

Super body - emperical will

Status: evolver

Lifespan: 300

Requirement for next evolution: 100 geno points

Geno points gained: 0]

Bian made his way out of the Evolution Palace. He teleported out of the sanctuaries, the next time he teleports back he would be in second god sanctuary.

"Emperical will" Bian looked at his super body, there was a new power in him.

Like he flipped on a switch, the power was activated. He heard a distant music, it seemed to be all encompassing, other than the sound nothing else occurred.

"Maybe it requires a special condition" he deactivated the power and the mystic hum seized.

Bian greeted his parents and went to meet Bai Yishan.

"The graduation ceremony is coming up soon"


"We need you to evolve, you have been given a maximum of three months after graduation. Naturally it would be better if you evolved with maxed out geno points."


"You will be placed in a crystallizer exploration team, your dexterity with the crystallizer language will greatly aid the team. Since you're still young it would naturally be better if you were stronger."

Bian was now one of the most knowledgeable persons in the alliance when it came to the ancient language, to a moderate degree at least.

Although his understanding of the crystallizers was just above average among the professors, his unique talent never to mistake one symbol for the other was too rare.

Bai Yishan brought out a purple crystal

"This is found in crystallizer ruins, it greatly enhances memory and the mind." Bai Yishan placed the crystal on Bian's forehead. It melted into his head leaving no trace behind.

Vital point targeting becomes obsolete when accuracy reaches a certain level, much like training wheels on a bicycle. Even Bian ceased using vital point targeting once his accuracy reached that point. Mental point targeting, a mutation stemming from vital point targeting, allowed him to enhance his memory, vividly recalling any scene he had witnessed.

Mental point targeting's full potential could only be harnessed when Bian entered a meditative-like state, requiring relaxation and closed eyes. It proved ineffective during high-movement activities. The cages limiting its use shattered like brittle ash, granting Bian a sensation of long-awaited freedom. It seemed he had broken a gene lock associated with his mutated mental point targeting.

"You have a maximum of three months after graduation, then whether you have evolved or not, you will be called to service. Do your best," Bai Yishan said.

Bian nodded and promptly headed to the market, where he purchased a large bag, cooking utensils, torches, and other essential supplies, including nutrient pills that could serve as food.

At the teleport station, he encountered Han Yan.

"Even if we go in one after the other, the outcome will not change," Bian remarked.

"Doesn't hurt to try," Han Yan replied before stepping into the teleporter. Without hesitation, Bian followed suit.