Chapter 8

  Tina, you need to wake up. Come on girl. I could hear Aria begging me to wake up, but I felt so tired of fighting; the pain of losing my parents, the pain of rejection from my mate, the pain of when he cheated and when he betrayed me. I just wanted to stay asleep. But it wasn’t in me to lie down and give up. My father had raised me to fight, and fight I would until I died.

  Taking a deep breath, I slowly open my eyes. They felt so heavy, like someone had glued them shut. Finally, they fluttered open and I looked around me. I was glad to see that I wasn’t in the hospital. I was in my room, and I was alone. Sitting up, I had to close my eyes until the room stopped spinning. Getting out of the bed, I slowly make my way to my bathroom. Standing in front of the mirror, I take in my appearance. I looked like I’d been drug through the mud and back.