Chapter 6: Shadows of the Past

The divides were evident on the academy's expansive grounds. The institution has a section devoted to archery where pupils may practice their accuracy with a bow and arrow. Then there was the samurai training area, where katana fights and strict martial law were the norm. Then there was the area designated for sorcerers, where elemental magic could be heard crackling.

Hiroshi, Masumi, and Kaito had been engaged in rigorous individual training in their respective specialties for six months. Masumi's accuracy in archery had improved, Hiroshi's swordplay had reached new heights, and Kaito's control of the air had become second nature. Each had been a master in their particular specialy.

However, a change was approaching as winter gave way to spring. The institution had a custom whereby teams of three students would be chosen by the council after six months of solo training. A master, a skilled samurai, archer, or magician, would be in charge of each trio and serve as their mentor and teacher.

The day of the squad assignments had arrived, and the academy was buzzing with anticipation. Students congregated in the main courtyard, their spirits tinged with both excitement and dread. New alliances and rivalries arose during this time, and each student's future was in jeopardy.

A council of revered teachers walked toward the courtyard as the sun set and the moon rose high. With their spirit animals—a majestic eagle, a powerful lion, and swirling winds—by their sides, each instructor represented a distinct discipline.

The council announced the team designations with seriousness. Students were partnered with their allies one at a time, and the masters became clear. With their interest heightened by the uncertainty of their future, Hiroshi, Masumi, and Kaito held their breath.

The council proclaimed, "Together," as their voices echoed around the courtyard. The trio of Hiroshi, Masumi, and Kaito will work together.

There was a general murmur of astonishment and interest among the gathered students. Three people who had never met before were supposed to work together under the direction of their predetermined bosses.

They moved forward to assume their new duties as their hearts grew heavy with resolve. They were prepared to meet the unknown obstacles head-on, forming bonds that would be put to the test by hardships and reinforced by togetherness. They would be guided by the ghosts of their pasts into a future that held both opportunity and uncertainty.