Plus Ultra!

The day before the joint training session between Class 1-A and Class 1-B. 

​​During lunch, I sat on the sofa across from my parents, All Might and Hope, in the Teacher's lounge. 

"Sorry for bothering you guys again during your lunch break." I said to my parents before taking a bite of my onigirazu.

"Nonsense." My dad replied with a smile. "Your mother and I are glad to spend some time with you." 

Mom nodded.

"Your father is right. There's no need for you to apologize. Now, let's enjoy this lunch your father and I made as a family!"

I giggled and smiled at the both of them. Because my parents are the Symbol of Peace and the Pillar of Justice, I've been a main target for bad guys to kidnap since the day I was born. This caused mom and dad to distance themselves from me more and more as I got older. I don't hold a grudge against them for doing that because I knew they were trying to protect me. At least they didn't abandon me. That would've definitely made me hate them.

"So?" Mom takes a sip of her barley tea. "What is it that's on your mind? I know you didn't just come to spend some quality time with us."

I almost choked on cherry tomato when I heard Mom's statement because she's right. I want to ask mom and dad about something that's been on my mind for a while. I'm just scared to ask.

"W-well, you see, I was... uh..."

"You're wondering if you inherited One For All, correct?" Dad asked as if he read my mind.


​​​​​​​One For All is a Quirk that has been passed down from person to person throughout generations. Dad gave this power to my Quirkless childhood friend, Izuku Midoriya, before the UA Entrance Exam. Mom, Dad, and Izuku kept this a secret from me until that time Izuku, Katsuki, and I snuck out. After that talk, I've been meaning to ask them if I've inherited some of that power. 

"As far as I know, you've never shown any signs that you inherited even a fraction of One For All."

"Honestly, that was our biggest concern when I became pregnant with you." Mom said. "Even Nighteye had his concerns about it and thought about using his Foresight on you. But when you turned 1-year-old, your Fire & Water Quirk manifested, and all of our worries dissipated."

"OK." I did a double take because of what mom just said. "Wait, seriously!? You're saying that my Quirk manifested when I was only a year old!?"

"Yes. And by that time, you've already learned how to crawl, walk, and talk in complete sentences!" Dad beamed. "You were such a fast learner."

"You still didn't have proper control of your Quirk, though." Mom added.

"Yes, true. You kept splashing water everywhere you went. You burned most of our belongings and nearly flooded the house!" Dad and mom laughed at the memory.

"I swear! The list of all the trouble you caused and the things you've ruined with your Quirk is absolutely endless!" Mom giggled.

"I was really that bad after I got my Quirk?" I asked, suppressing my laughter. 

"You burnt my hair ​​and your father's hair. Unfortunately, my hair was the one that suffered the most!"

My dad and I laughed, and mom pouted. Even though we got off topic, I'm really happy right now. Learning about what it was like when I was a toddler, laughing and smiling with my parents. It's wholesome. 

Present Day on Nabu Island

I slowly woke up from the pleasant memory. My eyes squinted as they adjusted to the lighting.

"Miss Himawari!"

I glance to my right and saw Izuku and Katsuki staring down at me with relieved expressions. Katsuki and Mahoro sat at my left, with relief in their eyes, too.

"Himawari, you're awake!" Izuku said.

"Babe, how are you feeling?" My boyfriend asked, concern laced in his voice.

"Izuku. Katsuki." I shifted my gaze from Izuku to Katsuki. "What happ-"

I remember the villain we were fighting, and my eyes grew wide.

"That guy! He has multiple Quirks!" I sit up straight. "How many villains are there? Where is everyone!? If they fight that guy now, they're gonna -"

"Babe, calm down!" Katsuki, Izuku, Mahoro, and Katsuma stopped me from standing up right away. "Our friends and the islanders are fine. That lightning attack from that asshole caused a blackout, so we're holding out in this factory. And that mummy bastard is locked up in the boiler room."

Oh. I got so worried for our classmates and the civilians that I wasn't aware of where we were. I looked around the room. It does look like we're in a factory, and it's obvious that this room is used to treat the civilians who were injured. I took a moment to regain my composure, and they let me go.

"Now, I'm going to ask you again: How are you feeling?"

I stared down at my body and then at my bandaged arms. Half of my torso is covered in bandages, too. I got several of my bones broken, and I was literally struck by lightning. When I woke up, the first thing I should've felt was the excruciating pain in my body, but...

"I feel... great." I moved my arms a little bit. "I really don't feel any sort of pain in my body."

Izuku smiles and gestures to the little boy. 

"You can thank Katsuma for that. His Quirk is Cell Activation."

I turned to Katuma and thank him. Then, I remembered what that mummy guy said to me! He and his gang are looking for a kid with a Cell Activation Quirk. He must be talking about Katsuma! My distraught expression didn't come unnoticed by Izkuk.

"Himawari, what's wrong?"

"I just remembered something important." I stand up. "I want to tell the rest of our friends about it."

Katsuki and Izuku understood without asking anymore questions. The three of us, along with Katsuma and Mahoro, left the room to meet up with our classmates. When we reached the room our friends were in, they were having a meeting, so we waited to enter.

"Right now, our top priority is to protect the people of the island." We hear Iida say. "If that means fighting villians, so be it."

"Yeah, but how?" Asked Sato.

"That one guy beat up Yagi, Midoriya, and Bakugou so much that they almost didn't survive." Mineta whimpered. 

"Four of us took on the beast." Todoroki spoke. "And that wasn't enough."

"And our numbers are dropping." Kyoka added. "Yaomomo and Kaminari both used up a lot of their Quirks already."

I hear Kaminari say "yay" in his fried brain state, which proves Kyoka's claim.

"We know there are at least three villians left, but there could be more." Tsuyu contemplates.

"If they attack us together, we probably don't stand a chance." Eijiro spoke.

"It would be held if we knew what the villains were after." Iida said.

"Then we could come up with a plan." Ochaco adds.

I took that as my cue to enter the room. Katsuma and Mahoro followed behind me. 

"I think I know who the villains are after." I spoke up.

Everyone turned to look at me and gasped. Their surprised reaction is understandable. Not too long ago, I was unconscious because of that All For One copycat.

"Yagi, you're awake." Todoroki gasped.

I nodded.

"Yes, I am. But more importantly, the villain we fought at the shopping center told me something during our fight. He said they're after a kid with a Cell Activation Quirk." I glance at Katsuma. "That kid is Katsuma. He also mentioned a guy named Nine. I think this Nine is the same guy that injured me, Katsuki and Izuku. And worse, he has multiple Quirks and can steal Quirks."

"He has the same Quirk as All For One." Tsu said with a worried expression. 

"Okay, at least we know why they're here." Ochaco states.

Mina nodded.

"We can just, like, take the boy and run away -"

"It's not going to be that easy." Todoroki interrupts Mina. He stands up from the box he was sitting on. "These guys are serious. What if they start making threats? They could end up killing somebody if we don't hand him over."

"So, what're we supposed to do?" Mineta questioned.

As my classmates and I contemplate what our next move will be, Katsuma said something that made us shift our attention to him with stunned expressions.

"You have to hand me over to the villains!"

"What?" I asked in response. 

"He said he wouldn't kill me. And it's fine if I end up losing my Quirk. As long as it means everyone on the island is safe."

"Like hell we're doing that!" I shouted, making the siblings flinch. "No good will come out of that villian taking your Quirk. Even if he keeps that promise, he and his gang will just go steal more Quirks and kill other people somewhere else!"

Katsuma hung his head down, and his eyes started to become misty. I sighed. I know he's just trying to help, but I'm not going to let another little kid sacrifice him or herself for a hero's sake.

"Katsuma." I kneeled down to his level. He looks up at me when I wipe away the tear droplets from the corners of his eyes. "You can activate cells. Your power speeds up regeneration and enhances physical performance. Thanks to your Quirk, Izuku, Katsuki, and I made a super quick recovery!"

Katsuma's eyes widened, and I continued. 

"It's an amazing ability, Katsuma, and I'm really grateful."

"You really mean it?" Katsuma starts getting dewy-eyed again from my compliment. 

I nodded.

"We're not gonna let anything bad happen to you and your sister."

"That's the whole reason we came to this island, right?" Izuku adds from the doorway.

Katsuki stood next to him with his arms crossed while leaning against the door.

"Why are you losers so on edge?" Katsuki said. "All we gotta do is kill some stupid villains, right?"

"Deku!" Ochaco gasped.

"Bakugou!" Eijiro exclaimed. 

I stood up straight and gazed at my best friend and my boyfriend. Without saying a word, I already know what the three of us are thinking: Save people to win, win to save people. A smile appears on each of our faces.

"Don't worry." Izuku said to Katsuma and Mahoro. "We'll definitely protect you two."

Katsuki punches the palm of his hand, which creates a mini explosion, and he smirks. 

"The villains are as good as dead." Katsuki declared.

"And we'll keep everyone else on the island safe, too!" I add with confidence. 

"Obviously, we'll win."

"I agree with the three of you." Todoroki said. "I'll help however I can."

"Me, too!" Ochaco exclaimed. "I'll protect the people with everything I've got!" She gets up and faces the rest of our friends. "We have to fight!"

"Heck yeah." Kaminari stands with two thumbs up. "I can't fix Mr. Matsuda's tractor if he's not around."

"You can count me in." Our class rep proudly stands up. "Granny Sato still has plenty of years left ahead of her."

"I've got your backs." Eijiro stands. 

"Me, too." Tokoyami said.

"Awesome!" Kyoka got to her feet.

"Let's stop 'em!" Toru's gloves formed into fists.

"I'm in." Sero stands up. 

"Yeah." Ojiro nods.

"Um, obvi!" Mina chimed in.

"Ribbit." Tsu stands up next."

"Let's do this, you guys!" Mineta yells.

"I know we can!" Koda speaks up.

"Moi aussi!" Aoyama cheers.

"We're heroes, right?" Sato rhetorically asks.

"We'll overcome the impossible." Shoji states.

Despite her fatigue, Creati stands up and joins in.

"It's just like we always say." Yaomomo reminds us.

"We are going to go beyond!" Iida announces, and we all say the words together.

"Plus Ultra!"


With the Mayor present, we devised a plan together. 

"What's the plan?" Todoroki asks.

I placed a large map of Nabu Island in the middle of the conjoined tables in front of us.

"We know there are at least three villains here." Deku begins, and he points at the island ruins on the map. "If we use the castle ruins on the edge of this cliff as our base, that leaves only one route for the villains to reach us." He draws four arrows and four x's with a red marker on the small island. "When they approach, we'll split them up with a preemptive strike. Use the terrain to our advantage."

"Then we blast 'em to hell." Katsuki said. 

"The civilians can hole up in the cave on the side of the cliff." I explain. "We'll personally guard Katsuma and Mahoro. We should also secure an escape route in case it comes to that."

"How're we going to deal with the villain who has multiple Quirks?" Todoroki questioned.

"In the middle of our fight with him, it looked like he suddenly doubled over in pain." Deku answers. "Using all those powers one after the other was probably too hard on his body. I bet that's why he's trying to steal Katsuma's Cell Activation ability."

"I see. So we simply exhaust him."

"We'll attack him in waves and make him use his Quirks until he's at his limit. Since he can steal powers, we'll want to avoid close combat, if at all possible. Hopefully, that will be enough for us to defeat him. But even if we can't... we just have to last long enough for help to arrive!"

"Either way, we'll protect everyone on the island and show these jerks what happens when you mess with heroes!" I declare, and Katsuki agreed with me.

By the time the sun rose, we were already at the castle ruins. Sato, Toru, and Koda are guarding the civilians. Mina and Tokoyami are waiting in an underground cavern. Iida, Tsuyu, Eijiro, and Todoroki are at a nearby waterfall. The rest of us are guarding Mahoro and Katsuma as we wait for the villains. As soon as we saw the villians approaching the ruins, we began our assault on the villains with a pre-emptive strike. Aoyama attacks first using his signature move, Can't Stop Twinkling: Supernova, to fire a massive laser bombardment at the villains. While Nine blocks the attack with his force field, his comrades break away from the blast, unaware that they are falling right into our trap. Yaomomo reveals two massive cannons she created last night using her Creation Quirk with the last of her lipids and shot at the villains, which causes the woman to collapse in the underground cavern and the chimera heteromorph to plunge into the nearby waterfall. With the villians separated, Sero and Ochaco commence their assault on Nine. Sero uses his Tape Quirk to throw huge boulders at Nine supported by Ochaco's Quirk, Zero Gravity. Nine deflects all of their attacks using his Force Field Quirk for defense and his Bullet Laser Quirk for offense. Ochaco continues to use her Quirk to make more floating boulders for Sero to throw at Nine, but the villain still isn't stopping, so Sero, Mineta, and Ochaco retreat to a trap they prepared and caused a massive rock slide with Mineta using his Ultimate Move, Super Grape Rush, to make the rocks stick together even harder to bury the villain. Unfortunately, Nine was able to break free easily, knocking Mineta out of the battle. Yaomomo and Aoyama intervened and fired another attack to protect our friends, but then Nine took both of them down with his Force Field Quirk. Five of our classmates got a chance to strike the villain. Now, it's me and Katsuki's turn. I attacked the villain from the left with a blazing ring, and Katsuki attacked him from the right with an explosion. He saved himself with his Force Field Quirk. 

"You're still alive?" The villain asked, turning his head to look at us.

"Yeah, I guess you should've hit us harder." Katsuki snapped back.

"Are you surprised?!" I rhetorically asked.

I used Steam Veil to hide me and Katsuki's presence, and then the two of us continue assaulting the villain. He keeps using his Force Field Quirk, but we weren't going to give up so easily. Deku joins the battle and does a St. Louis Smash on the villain! The villain sent him flying into the air like a piece of paper. Katsuki catches him and uses X-Catapult to throw our friend back at Nine. When the dust cleared, the villian had used his force field again for the umpteenth time! I'm getting really sick and tired of that move!

"Not a bad effort." The villain comments.

I don't know if this bastard complimenting us or mocking us.

"We're just getting started." Deku retorts.

"Now, we'll kill you!" Katsuki snaps.

"And we're going to make you and your gang regret coming to this island!" I shouted. "We won't let you lay a hand on Katsuma and Mahoro!"

To Be Continued...