
After Class 1-A emerged victorious over the threat, a large number of heroes and a rescue team arrived on Nabu Island, rescuing the trapped civilians including Sato, Koda, and Hagakure, medically treating Class 1-A, and providing humanitarian aid. As Hawks rescues Tokoyami and Ashido, Toshinori (All Might) and Kami Yagi (Hope) recovers the barely conscious Izuku, the unconscious Bakugou, and their unconscious daughter. 

"All Might?...Hope?" Deku weakly mumbled, slowly opening his eyes to see his worried mentor and Kami looming over him.

"You okay, Young Midoriya?" Toshinori asked his student. "I'm so sorry that we're late."

"Is Kacchan and Himawari okay?"

Toshinori and Kami smile.

"As usual, you're more worried about other people than you are about yourself." Kami said, and she gestured to an unconscious Hikari and Bakugou. "They're both fine."

"Yes." Toshinori nodded. "Beat up, but they'll live."

"Thank goodness." Izuku sighed. "I made them do something pretty crazy."

"You made them do something--?" Toshinori stopped his sentence when he saw Izuku's guilty expression. 

"I'm sorry." Izuku held back his tears. "But I transferred it to them. I gave One For All to Kacchan and Himawari."

Toshinori and Kami's eyes widened in shock. 

"You gave... both of them One For All?" 

"Is that even possible?" Kami questions in disbelief. "To give OFA to two people?!"

"It's news to me." Toshinori said.

"If we hadn't combined the power of OFA with itself, there's no way we could have saved everyone." Izuku said as tears threaten to fall from the corners of his eyes. "The villain would have defeated us. That's why I don't regret what I did. But I feel terrible. Because you chose me to be your successor. Be because you said that I could become a hero like you. I just wanted to protect everyone, no matter what it took."

"And that's just what you did, Izuku." Kami reassured Izuku as she wipes away the boy's tears with her handkerchief. "You sacrificed everything to protect everyone, and you succeeded with Hikari and the rest of your friends. Neither All Might nor I are upset with you. You didn't do anything wrong, so you really don't need to apologize."

After hearing Kami's comforting words, Izuku Midoriya loses consciousness. 

"Young Midoriya. Rest easy." Toshinori says softly. "I don't regret giving you my power one bit. You used it correctly." He hugs his pupil. "And you'll always be a part of it. It is fueled by the hearts of the brave. And your courage has only strengthened it."

Toshinori and his wife are then left surprised when they see OFA still retained in Izuku.

"One For All." Toshinori gasped.

Kami glanced at Bakugou, then at their daughter.

"Katsuki and Hikari must have lost consciousness before the transfer finished."

Toshinori notices a small rainbow flame in the palm of Hikari's hand that slowly disappears.

"No, that's not it." Toshinori holds his unconscious daughter's hand. "With her shared hopes and desires, with her own will, and with the assistance of the previous users, our daughter did something miraculous."

"And as a result, One For All kept itself within Izuku." Kami holds her daughter's other hand. 

Toshinori, thanking his daughter and the previous users of OFA, squeezes Hikari's hand as his eyes became misty.

Hikari's POV:

Back up finally arrived and took the villians into custody, rescued the civilians, and helped our injured friends. I didn't see the main villian anywhere when I regained consciousness, but I think after being beaten, that'll be the last time he'll show his face to again. At some point during the fight, Katsuki and I blacked out. Now, neither of us can remember what happened after we were overpowered by that fire tornado. I asked Izuku for more info while we were getting medical treatment for our injuries, but he just said: "We were able to save everyone." That's not the answer I was looking for, but since Katsuma's Quirk hasn't been stolen, I guess the details aren't that important for now. Later, Katsuma and Mahoro were reunited with their father, who had been in a hospital on the mainland. We were able to protect everyone on the island, but there was still tons of damage. And it would take time to repair. The Heroes Public Safety Commission immediately suspended our practical program. But we stayed the rest of our scheduled time. All of us wanted to help the island get back to normal. We couldn't just leave. Not when people needed us. And then, finally, it was time for us to go home. After I said goodbye to Katsuma and Mahoro, I boarded the ferry with the rest of my classmates. I stood at the railing of the boat with my boyfriend next to me. Aside from getting beaten up by villians, our experience on Nabu Island wasn't so bad.

"I can't believe it's time for us to go already." Izuku said as he stood next to me and stared at the island. 

"Eh, good riddance." Katsuki turns around and leans his back against the railing. 

I giggle at Katsuki's remark as the horn of the ferry blared. The boat slowly starts to sail away from the harbor to take us home.

"Izuku." I speak to my friend while gazing at the island. "Are you really going to leave without saying goodbye to Katsuma and Mahoro?"

"Yeah, what's up with that?" Katsuki asked.

"There are things I wanted to say, yeah." Izuku replied. "But it's okay. I'm sure they already know how I feel."

"Hey!" We heard Katsuma's voice. "Down here! Mister Deku!"

The three of us and the rest of our classmates looked down at the harbor to see Katsuma and Mahoro, running toward the ferry to tell us something. 

"Bakugou!" Mahoro shouted. "Himawari! Everyone!"

"Thank you so much!" The two kids yelled at the same time. 

"You saved us!" Mahoro yells. "You saved the whole island!"

"I'll get stronger." Katsuma called out. "I promise you I will! I'll get strong enough to protect Daddy and Mahoro! Wait and see!"

Izuku, Katsuki, and I smiled at Katsuma's vow.

"And then... I'll be a cool hero like you, Bakugou, and Himawari. One who always wins in a battle no matter the odds."

"You better work hard, ya damn brat." Katsuki said. "Don't forget it!"

"Hey, Katsuma!" Izuku called out. "Listen! You can become a hero! I'll see you at UA one day!"

We sailed further and further away from Nabu Island as we waved at the kids. I couldn't see Katsuma's face, but I have a feeling that he's smiling. 

"Hey, Himawari..."

"What?" I turned my head to Izuku.

He faces me and smiles.

"I want to say... thank you!"

"For what exactly?"

"Just for being my friend." Izuku chuckles.

I still gave him a confused look. Is this his way of thanking me for fighting Nine with him? Or... does it has something to do with certain parts of the battle I blacked out on?

The End