Chapter 258 Missing Mom

So, if Jazmine were to end the competition now, neither of them could imagine whether they would lose all the achievements they had already made.

"It seems we need to come up with a strategy," Charles said.

Jazmine and Giancarlo were still in the forest, completely unaware of the malicious intentions they would soon face.

After looking around for quite a while, there was not a single person in sight. If it weren't for the fact that there were no communication devices here, one might think that someone had tipped them off.

As they sat down to rest, a sudden sound echoed through the sky. Jazmine looked up and saw a drone flying by, the noise coming from the speakers mounted on its body.

"Please be aware that there are now only 213 contestants remaining, among which two are considered special targets. That is to say, if you find the list of special targets and locate them, defeating them will grant you direct advancement."