Chapter 16 New Boss


In a private room on the second floor of the bar, Decker knelt down on the ground in front of Gerald.

Adriel and Matthew, who were slapped by Decker, sat there in a daze.

Irene was even more shocked. According to Adriel and Matthew, Decker was fearless in Los Angeles. How could he kneel down to Gerald?

The sharp contrast made her completely confused.

Decker knelt on the ground with an apologetic smile on his face. He looked at Gerald and said, "Mr. Kenneth, I'm sorry. I didn't know that you were a friend of Mr. Herman. Otherwise, I wouldn't have dared to provoke you. Please forgive me!"

Gerald was speechless. He guessed that after he disappeared, Audrey called Bradley, and then Bradley called to deal with this.

Irene was also shocked.

Gerald is Bradley's friend?

A friend of the richest man in Los Angeles?

The corners of Adriel's and Matthew's mouths twitched. They didn't understand what was going on.