Chapter 58 You Are Crazy

Audrey was at her office at Forever Group, pissed off. "Gerald has no manners at all. It's already past 10, and he is still not here. He doesn't want this job!"

As she gathered up the files, Audrey complained, "Humph, I thought about taking him to Sacramento. Now that he is late, I will rule out that possibility."

With that, she slumped into the sofa. "But he has a Diamond Card from New Bank. He seems richer than me and doesn't care about the job at all."

The thought made her irritated.

The door was pushed open. Then, Bradley came in, looked at her with a smile, and said, "Are you mad at Gerald because he doesn't come? Do you have a crush on Gerald?"

Audrey froze. The next moment, her face turned red as she said in a sweet voice, "Dad, don't be ridiculous!"