Chapter 246 For Every Being Who Is Breathing

"What's your number?" Dax's hoarse voice rang in Gerald's ears.

Hearing that, Saul, who was stepping on the hood of the car, was shocked. He quickly retreated and said, "You mean he is a Watchman? Isn't he just an ordinary person?"

"Ordinary people won't have such outstanding driving skills and reactions." Dax explained, "Ordinary people would have long stopped the car after being chased by so many warriors. However, his first choice was to escape in this direction.

"Tell me, what's your number?" Dax looked at Gerald and said, "After all, our goal is only Ingrid. I am also a Watchman. If you cooperate with me, maybe I can give you a way out. They dare not refute me. You are a Watchman, and you should recognize who I am."

Saul was stunned, but he could not speak.

Gerald looked calm. He unfastened the seat belt and then said to Ingrid and Leana behind him, "Get out of the car."

During this process, Saul and Dax did not stop Gerald.