Chapter 282 The Open Leana

Gerald drove back home. When Gerald reached the door, he was suddenly stunned. Gerald heard the sound of breathing in the room, and at the same time, a video was playing.

Gerald was stunned, and Gerald asked suspiciously, "Could it be that Leana hasn't left yet?"

Gerald opened the door and found Leana sitting on the sofa, holding a bag of potato chips in her hand. Leana was watching TV while eating snacks!

"You didn't go back?" Gerald looked at Leana in surprise and asked.

"I don't want to go back. I will be nagged by my grandfather," Leana mumbled.

Gerald was speechless. Gerald smiled bitterly and said, "How did you buy these things? You don't have the keys to my house, right?"

"I didn't close the door when I went out!" Leana said, "I went out to buy some food myself, and then I ordered delivery too."