Chapter 424 The Harbor

"That's good. Let's meet at the dock in two days," Gerald said.

Scar nodded and said, "OK. Bye."

Gerald nodded and smiled, "Bye."

The next two days, Gerald didn't do anything special. He seldom went out for a stroll. Most of the time, he went to see Jacob and the others. Because he did not know when they would meet again after this farewell. Gerald wanted to spend more time with them.

Theo finally had some free time to start his great plan of dating girls. He had only come back a few times recently.

As for Claude, he went to Belinda's manor whenever he was free. Because he was interested in Aleen. Gerald felt that Aleen was a little scheming. But Claude liked her, so he didn't say anything about it.

But no matter what, Gerald would not let his brother suffer even a little loss.

In this way, two days passed in a flash.

One morning, at the entrance of Roger's house, he was talking to a person.