Chapter 522 Stir Up the Hornets' Nest

"What?" Troy was shocked. In the room, all the members of the Elite Team looked at him suddenly. The person who spoke before was also stunned.

"What exactly happened? Slow down," Troy hurriedly asked.

"Just now, Gerald and the others arrived at the station. Dr. Manning went to the medical team. Then Gerald and the other seven people seemed to be a little bored. When they came out of the tent, they asked where you were. I said you had a meeting." He swallowed.

"Then Gerald looked at the flying device on the top of the mountain for a while. He said that he wanted to test the Gold Elite Ghosts. The others echoed, and then the seven of them went up the mountain with weapons," Jair said.

"That bastard is still messing around at this time!" Troy cursed. Then he looked at Kayla and said, "Kayla, stay here. Record the meeting for me. I'm going to see Blaine first."