Chapter 564 Jump

A plane took off from the headquarters of the American Night Watch and flew towards Sin City.

Gerald was not clear about what happened. He slept on the plane for almost four or five hours. He was woken up by a sound.

"Where is it?"

Ronin, who had been knocked unconscious, woke up. He found himself on the plane. The entire plane was empty. He looked around for a long time before he saw Gerald, who was sleeping not far away.

"Gerald, where are you taking me?

"Gerald, what are you going to do?"

Ronin was about to go crazy.

Gerald was awakened. Gerald turned around and looked at Ronin. Then he smiled and walked to Ronin. Gerald sized Ronin up and asked, "Actually, I also want to ask you a question. Catherine is your biological daughter. Why did you do those things to her?"

"It's none of your business. This is my family business," Ronin gritted his teeth and said, "Let me go!"