Chapter 624 Watchmen

Outside the Hodges' house, a few bodies in watchmen's clothing were on the ground.

"You killed the Watchmen like that. Is that good?" Behind Dr. T, a man wearing a tiger mask frowned as he looked at Roland beside him.

Indeed, the one who made the move was Roland. At this time, he said in a hoarse voice, "In any case, Blaine is toast for sure. We don't have to be afraid of Watchmen. Dr. T came here to recruit people from Sin City. Doesn't he just mean to compete with Watchmen?"

At this point, Roland's eyes glistened as he said, "No wonder Dax likes to bring poker cards at any time. He is really cool to use this move to kill people."

Dr. T ignored their talk and walked into the house first.

Soon, screams were coming from the house. After a few minutes, a voice sounded throughout the city. "Hello everyone, let me introduce myself. My name is Dr. T..."


In the north, the war was continuing.