Chapter 648 Compromise

Dr. T was dumbfounded. He stared at Gerald and said lightly, "Gerald, you are now the leader of the American Night Watch. You won this difficult battle with great effort and bought a lot of time for the Night Watch. There is still a gap between you and me, but it is not that big. You will soon make it to Flame Decay! Why do you have to take a gamble? If I resist your blow, all of you may die!"

"Really?" Gerald chuckled and said, "Why do I feel that you can't resist it? If you can't resist it and die, Charles will kill the rest of you to eliminate future troubles. Although I don't know which side you take, you have shown your ambition now. I think it is good for us to die together. Moreover... I bet that I can kill you and they can protect me!"

"Do you think that I have not made any progress after so many years?" Dr. T asked.