Chapter 768 A Gift for You

"This is my brother-in-law, Gerald Kenneth," Colten said proudly.

Gerald was stunned.

Valery was stunned as well.

Colten seemed to be introducing something extraordinary. His face was full of pride, as if he was Gerald.

After a short silence, the clinic exploded in an instant.

Many people began to approach Gerald. A man in his sixties frowned.

Those people surrounded Gerald.

"Damn, it really is Gerald."

"Gerald, can we take a picture together?"

"Can I have your autograph?"


In the discussion, Colten was calm. He clapped his hands and said, "Guys, don't be anxious. Line up. You can take photos with him and have his autograph. We are in a clinic and please be quiet..."

Gerald was petrified.

Valery blushed. She felt a little embarrassed.

Gerald found that Colten was quite funny.