Chapter 929 Settling Points

Isla was extremely uncomfortable.

It had been a few days since she came to the city. Aarav seemed to be very busy and had arranged for her to stay there. He would only come to see her every night.

Aarav was still very polite to her and hadn't done anything that would make her feel uncomfortable, such as trying to force himself on her.

Just like back in Estasate.

Of course, it was different. After all, Aarav was no longer the man from the countryside.

Aarav was very powerful now. Some called him king.

While some called him lord.

He had a very high status in the city.

Isla didn't know where she was. All she knew was that she had left Earth and arrived in a distant Nebula. For her, it was all the same no matter where she was.

Hearing Gurr's words, she sighed and continued to lower her head.

"My lady, if you don't eat, I will go hungry too." Gurr coughed.

He was also very frustrated!