Chapter 962 Assemble

At the airport in Sacramento, the order was slowly restored after Gerald appeared.

Someone recorded the video and uploaded it to the Internet!

There were videos everywhere on Twitter and TikTok.

Only then was the world's trust in Gerald fully shown. When the video appeared, the panicked people slowly calmed down.

Gerald had long been a legend in this world. When Elite Ghosts invaded for the second time, the scene of Gerald's ice attribute was broadcast live to every corner of the world. For many people, it was a miracle.

Gerald himself had no idea that many people would feel peaceful after his appearance this time.

After making a brief appearance, he left the airport with Theo and the others. They took a flight and headed toward the North.

The top-level Watchmen of the North from all over the world gathered quickly.

The Watchmen were no longer hidden in the dark as before, but they still wore their traditional black attire.