Chapter 982 News From Anabel

Gerald was waiting for Hector inside the hover car.

After a while, Gerald's phone suddenly rang. At the same time, the robotic voice rang in his ears. "Anabel is calling, do you want to pick up the call?"

"Yes!" Gerald said hurriedly.

The call was quickly answered, and Gerald said with a smile, "I just arrived in Ries City, and you're already calling me."

"Yes, I noticed that you were here just now, so I called you." Anabel said, "I have something very important to tell you. It's about you and Carolyn. Let's find a place to meet. Don't bring anyone else with you except Carolyn and Valery."

"Huh?" Gerald's expression moved slightly. If it was about him and Carolyn, there was great probability that it had something to do with Dragon Bone or Phoenix Bone.

Such an incident happened right after he arrived at Havotune. Gerald's heart sank when he heard that. "Okay. You decide the location. I'll come over later."