Chapter 641 The Class Reunion

Kaiden finally went into the hotel.

Joshua felt that the air around him was much fresher.

But Joshua was annoyed when he thought that he would have to go in with Harper to meet those jerks later.

He wondered why Harper had to let him come.

The main reason why Joshua agreed to come was that Harper wanted to participate, and he asked Joshua to come with him to embolden himself.

Out of brotherhood, Joshua followed Harper there.

However, Harper asked Joshua to come with him, but he did not show up at this time.

Joshua made a phone call and Harper said he was stuck in traffic, asking Joshua to wait for another ten minutes.

"Bro, hurry up."

Joshua hung up the phone.

Just at this time.

Under the neon lights, Pamela's car stopped at the parking spot next to Joshua's tricycle.

Pamela came down.

Her movement was light and her face was as bright as the moon!