Chapter 840 No Divorce

No one answered her on the phone.

Joshua hung up the phone.

Heidy gritted her teeth in anger.

How dare he hang up the phone!

How dare he!

What a bastard!

Heidy was furious. But there was nothing she could do at all.

Regardless of whether it was in the Windsor family or the Sterling family, she was just a small fry who threw weight around.

Her opinions meant nothing to others, and no one would take her words seriously.

Heidy knew it well, but the clearer she was, the more she could not bear it.

She couldn't bear to be invisible.

Not to mention Joshua, the stupid matrilocal son-in-law who was nothing but a loser at the very beginning!

Heidy called Joshua again, but the sweet female voice on the phone told her that the number she dialed was busy.

Obviously, Joshua had blocked Heidy's number.

Heidy was anxious and angry when she thought of Pamela.