Chapter 862 A Martial Artist?

That was why Joshua didn't like to deal with women!

Their intuition was amazing at critical moments...

"There is only one possibility. You have only one goal!

"The previous bidding was just a method you used to cover up your real purpose."

Joshua tried his best to look away, but Gracia opposite him seemed to be unwilling to let him go.

"Mr. Elk, please tell me. Is my guess correct?"

Seeing that he could not hide it anymore, Joshua had to raise his hands and surrender.

"Alright! I admit that my goal is indeed the black wooden box."

Gracia's eyes suddenly lit up.


Gracia cheered in a low voice and then remained seated. What would be auctioned next was completely unrelated to her.

"Mr. Elk, why do you want that black wooden box?

"Are you also a martial artist?"

It was another new term. It seemed that Joshua had gained a lot on this trip to Washington!

"Martial artists are..."