Chapter 20 You Are Still Thinking About That Scum?

Ainsley was not a fool. She was slightly embarrassed, but she did not understand what Manuel intended to do.

The man seemed to want much more from her than just a favor to treat his sister, but she knew that her charm should not be enough to get the attention of Manuel, the most popular man in Seattle.

It was impossible that Manuel would trade himself for his sister, not to mention that Ainsley was not even a famous psychologist.

"I heard that Ms. Easton works at University of Washington." Manuel looked indifferent, as if he had not noticed the others' weird looks at all. His tone was soft while he was talking.

The eyes of the little girl beside Manuel lit up. She said in surprise, "Is Ms. Easton a teacher at University of Washington?"

The little girl did not hide her joy. She really liked Ainsley, who was beautiful and gentle.