Chapter 30 Bumping Into the Ex-Husband

Ainsley quietly moved closer to the door.

Manuel, who had been silently paying attention to this side, clearly noticed Ainsley's small movements. His eyes narrowed with a smile, and then he felt relieved for a moment. He knew that Ainsley always treated strangers that way.

"Mr. Gage, are we going to Pearl Hotel?" The driver looked through the rearview mirror. His tone unconsciously became respectful when she saw the woman dressed in simple but graceful clothes distance herself from Manuel.

Pearl Hotel had always been the place for Manuel to treat guests and he would always use a specific private room there for all these years.

Manuel thought for a moment and looked at Ainsley. "Ms. Easton, do you have any recommendations?"

Ainsley was stunned and thought for a moment. "Mr. Gage, Pearl Hotel would be fine. You helped me a few times before, and Serina helped me today. Let me pay the bill tonight. Just take it as my thanks for you."