Chapter 34 The Entanglement With the Ex-Husband

Ainsley didn't care what Kaliyah said when she went back, but Ainsley felt a little annoyed when she thought of what Kaliyah acted like in front of her.

Ainsley was not in a good mood, so she did not go back to the private room directly. She planned to go to the front desk to settle the bill and calm down before going back to the private room.

After swiping the card, she turned around and just happened to meet Kaliyah and her fiancé.

Ainsley stopped. What bad luck.

She originally wanted to pretend that she didn't see anything and just passed by, but Cason suddenly said, "Ainsley, let's talk."

She was actually paying for a meal at Pearl Hotel? And this meal cost more than two hundred thousand? Just to get close to Manuel?

He suddenly felt that Ainsley wasn't doing that for him to see. She might really want to get Manuel.