After the posters were posted in the afternoon, the number of students who signed up increased by quite a bit. Ainsley was extremely busy dealing with a few students. However, she never thought that an unexpected guest would appear before the posters.
"Psychology Quiz Show? Slut Ainsley is actually in charge of it this year?" Kaitlin stared at the two words "Ainsley Easton" on the posters, her eyes hateful.
Kaitlin's follower, Jenny, nodded in agreement. "Kaitlin, the administrators are so irresponsible. How could they let a new intern teacher be in charge of this annual competition? Moreover, isn't she too narcissistic? It's a quiz show. Why did she print her name on the poster?"
Of course, Ainsley did not know that her name was on the posters. This was all done by Serina. She had specially instructed the student who designed the poster to zoom Ainsley's name.
Kaitlin snorted and did not comment on Jenny's words.