"How dare you talk to me like that? Are you thinking of rebelling?" Lindsay raised her hand and pointed at the tip of Ainsley's nose.
Ainsley glanced at Lindsay indifferently and ignored her.
Ainsley shifted her gaze to the people present.
"Hello, school leaders. First of all, I am very sorry that I have disturbed you because of my personal affairs. I saw the posts on the forum, but you want to convict me with just a photo with almost the entire image mosaiced. Don't you think it is ridiculous?"
Ainsley said calmly and confidently instead of being subservient.
Raymond and the others glanced at each other, feeling very embarrassed.
How could they not know that the photo was not convincing, but they could not withstand the influence of Lindsay?
Lindsay sneered and stared at Ainsley. Lindsay said, "If I don't have enough evidence, do you think I will come here?"