Ainsley didn't wear the bracelet at the banquet yesterday, and Manuel thought that she did not like it.
"Roman and Serina finally found an opportunity to avenge you," Manuel said helplessly.
During the meal, Serina asked for a lot of desserts, and Roman tried his best to make delicious food. In the end, the dishes on the table almost piled up, and Roman finally gave up.
"Thank you for the sponsorship. I'll treat you next time, and you can take revenge," Ainsley said playfully.
Seeing Ainsley's smile, Manuel was momentarily dazed.
Quickly, he came back to his senses. "Okay."
When they arrived at the apartment building, Ainsley helped Serina up the stairs.
The Baldry family removed the post about Kaitlin on the forum in an instant. Although no one dared to mention it again, every time Kaitlin returned to the classroom, she would still sense other students' disdainful gaze at her.