After school, Serina came to Ainsley, only to find that Ainsley had been distracted.
"Ainsley, what's wrong?" In front of Serina, Ainsley had always been composed no matter what happened.
"Nothing serious," Ainsley smiled.
"Are you lying? Is it because of the discussion on the forum? I don't know who has posted the news on it. Ainsley, did the school leaders give you pressure?" Serina asked with concern.
She also heard quite a few things at the office.
"Nothing can be hidden from you. The school leaders did not give me pressure. Kaitlin invited me to her birthday banquet, and Mollie will also be there."
Serina frowned. "She invited you to her birthday banquet? It's obviously her trick. Ainsley, don't go. If you want to see Mollie, I will ask my brother to help you."
Serina was proud. She thought that Manuel was omnipotent.