The reporters present recorded everything, and the flashes never stopped.
When Lindsay glared at Ainsley, the cameras were directly aimed at her. The reporters were waiting for her to say some breaking news.
A figure blocked in front of Ainsley. It was Manuel. He only glanced at it, and all the reporters that had come up took a step back. They didn't even dare to raise the recording pen.
Manuel's expression became even more gloomy. His eyes were cold, and he forcefully suppressed his anger. "You must be wrong. The man in this video was hired by Kaitlin to insult Ms. Easton. Everyone can hear the conversation in the video. Do you really think that everyone is a fool?"
Cason's expression changed. That was right. Although the video had only been played for a few seconds before it was forcibly closed, there were still a few words that could be heard. The man complained that Kaitlin had told him to harass Ainsley.