Chapter 70 I Lose My Phone

Ainsley picked up a lot of bags without complaining, but her hands were full, and she couldn't pick up the rest of the bags that were still on the ground. "Help me out here."

She felt her hands become lighter suddenly, and all the bags were taken away. Manuel grabbed them and followed her upstairs.

"Mr. Gage, let me take some as well." She wanted to take some of the bags back.

Serina and Lainey had already taken the elevator and left. Ainsley and Manuel waited for the next elevator at the door.

"Let me." Manuel dodged.

"Mr. Gage, there are too many bags. Let me grab some." She reached out again.

These bags were not heavy, but there were simply too many of them, making it difficult to take them.

The elevator arrived. "Go inside," Manuel said.

Ainsley immediately entered the elevator. When Manuel was about to walk in as well, he was stuck at the elevator doors, for the bags were a bit large. She hurriedly tugged at the bags.