Ainsley's gaze became even sharper. Staring at Kaitlin, she asked, "Who did you hear it from?"
Kaitlin's eyes avoided Ainsley's gaze, but Kaitlin still refused to give up and said, "Don't ask about who I heard it from. In any case, this is for the competition. Don't refuse to admit it. Otherwise, have the people from the organization department come and see who is lying! You have a good relationship with Serina, so you helped her cheat!"
The people present were once again enraged. If it was really as Kaitlin had said, Ainsley was challenging everyone's nerves. The glory of the Department of Psychology that had always been there was because of the annual Psychology Quiz Show.
And now, some people cheated in the competition!
Ainsley smiled and reached out to attract everyone's attention. "Everyone, please listen to me. Kaitlin is right. This is indeed the first set of questions, the test questions for today's competition."