"Mom! Don't say that again. This is not Ainsley's fault. I saw Manuel at Ainsley's house. The Gage family must have made a move." Cason felt uncomfortable.
Manuel was actually at Ainsley's house?
Kaliyah was shocked. Did it mean Ainsley and Manuel were dating?
"Great. The Gage family is helping that little bitch hurt Kaitlin. Kaitlin has suffered so much!" Lindsay snapped.
"Ainsley is disgusted with me now. She won't listen to me at all." Cason had no choice.
Kaliyah took the opportunity to say, "We are indeed not as powerful as the Gage family. It is no wonder that Ms. Easton hates us so much. Mr. Gage is a big shot."
Kaliyah was implying something, and Cason instantly understood what she meant.