Chapter 86 Chaotic Perception

After Ainsley came out of the bedroom, she found that Manuel had already left. There were breakfasts for two on the dining table.

After Ainsley washed up, she finished her breakfast and applied burn cream to herself. Serina was still asleep.

Just as Ainsley was thinking about Serina's condition, she received an unfamiliar call.

"Hello? Hello?" Ainsley asked doubtfully.

A chuckle came from the other side of the line, followed by Mollie's voice. "You can't recognize my voice so quickly? After yesterday's Quiz Show, I didn't have time to ask about your condition. How is your leg now?"

"Thanks, Mollie. It doesn't hurt too much now, but it's still red and swollen. I just finished applying the burn cream. Are you going back soon?"

Ainsley remembered that Mollie only stayed here for seven days, and today was exactly the seventh day.

"Yes, tonight's flight. I have a meeting over there in the early morning."