Ainsley washed her hands again and turned the heat to full. She put the meat she bought in the supermarket into the water. White foam floated on the surface, and the rising heat greeted her.
Sweat gradually appeared on her forehead. Just as she was about to wipe the sweat away, Manuel took tissues to wipe it for her.
Ainsley said in a low voice, "Thank you."
Manuel threw the tissues into the trash can, wiped his hands, and began to process the food.
His hands were fair and slender. The kitchen knife seemed to be a work of art in his hands, which were even fairer under the contrast of the green groceries.
Ainsley glanced at him. The feeling of him wiping sweat for her still lingered on her mind, and she couldn't help but blush.
"Go wash the peppers," Ainsley said as she scooped the meat out of the pot.
"Alright." Manuel immediately put down the knife and washed the peppers.