Serina always felt that there were people who wanted to harm her and that everyone she saw was a bad person.
But Ainsley always felt what Serina went through was not just kidnapping.
"After Serina was kidnapped, I searched for a long time. When I finally found her, she just went crazy like she was having a fit that day, and even I found her strange. She had a meltdown for days and cried every night in fear."
"What exactly happened?" Ainsley frowned. "Could it be that Serina..."
Manuel smiled bitterly. "No, she only saw those people torturing others. She heard all the wailing and saw the blood all over the ground. She told the psychiatrist that every time she closed her eyes, there would be blood and the whole world would be red. Later on, Serina completely collapsed and was unconscious for a few days. When she woke up, she forgot about this. But she also became sensitive. I know that she never truly recovered."