Chapter 108 Steal the Thesis

"Do you really not know what I'm talking about? Then let me put it more bluntly. Did you write your thesis yourself?" Ainsley looked straight at Kiera and observed her reaction.

Unfortunately, Kiera did not look at her. She turned around and pretended she needed to get some water. "Of course, I wrote it by myself. It took me more than a month."

Ainsley continued to ask, "I have been writing this thesis for half a month, but now you have become the author. A few days ago, I sent it to 'Psychological Science'. It was still under review, then I saw the school announcement. This thesis of yours is the same as mine. Even the title is the same. The funnier thing is, even the references and annotations are exactly the same as mine. I decided on the topic after discussions with Mollie. Shouldn't I find out what is going on?"