But Ainsley leaned right into him and pointed her finger in his face. "Huh? You're Mr. Gage! Why do you have two noses?"
Puzzled, she tried to stare at Manuel's nose, but she simply had trouble controlling her vision. Getting faint, she fell on Manuel's body. "Manuel likes me."
"What did you say?" Manuel said softly. He looked at Ainsley tenderly and held her up.
But no matter how he asked, Ainsley only giggled.
He had just drunk a lot too, but not as drunk as Ainsley. He was still conscious and arranged for the other three to be sent back to their rooms. And he wanted to send Ainsley back as well. It was already one in the morning. It was getting cold.
He helped Ainsley into the room, covered her with the blanket and just wanted to leave. Ainsley grabbed his hand tightly.
"Don't go. Don't go..."
Manuel cared for her and sat by the bed. "Okay, I'm not leaving."