In the end, Ainsley carefully handed the roasted mushroom to Lainey and said, "Lainey, try it first."
"What's wrong?" She picked up the shiitake mushrooms and took a bite. Her face changed. "Bah! It tastes so bad!"
Roman looked at her proudly. "Try the one I roasted."
Lainey glared at him. "Lisa must have told me the wrong way. I am not convinced, and I will not eat yours!"
She turned her face away. All she could feel was the good smell of roasted garlic.
Serina was sitting next to her, munching on the shiitake mushrooms. She was really enjoying them.
She couldn't help muttering in her heart, "How delicious this is!"
She had eaten the dishes made by Roman, and they were indeed delicious. But if she ate them, wouldn't that mean she admitted she was not good at it?
But they really smelled good. She was already mouth watering.
She couldn't stand it anymore!
She picked up the shiitake mushrooms and took a bite.