Chapter 142 His Sudden Indifference

"I'm fine." Ainsley smiled slightly to show that she was fine.

Serina's treatment was in vain. Ainsley had made a great effort, but Serina seemed to be so entrenched in her presence that she could not think of any way to change Serina's subconscious mind in a short time. She told Zane about it.

During this time, she often hypnotized Serina, indicating that Serina's consciousness was not strong. But in this matter, she showed a strong will. Serina was determined to pull Ainsley to that day.

After sending Serina to her room to rest, she sat alone on the couch and started wondering. She was dazed for almost two hours when Matteo finally came back.

When he came back, he was shocked to see Ainsley. He raised the wine in his hand. "Want a drink?"
