The rest of the few people immediately laughed out loud, as if they were laughing at her, "You're so funny. Just let her go crazy as long as she won't die."
Ainsley froze for a moment. These people were vicious. How could she compare them to ordinary people?
She changed her strategy. "Listen to me, she is Ms. Gage, the sister of Mr. Gage. I am Ms. Easton. If you are doing this for money, we can pay you several times more than the person behind you. If it's not about money, then you should let us go. Mr. Gage can do everything that the people behind you can do. Mr. Gage can also try to do whatever you want."
She said this to try to make them defect. Unfortunately, it didn't work.
The men were still moving according to the established procedure. She could only observe the terrain of the house and try to find a way to escape.