Koen looked at Irene with satisfaction. Mr. Wade only had one granddaughter. If he wanted someone to inherit the family business in the future, it would definitely be Irene.
Ainsley looked at Serina beside her, who was only focusing on her dessert and filled her glass with juice.
Mr. Koen Gage hadn't seen Serina for a long time, so he was busy getting her something to eat and said politely, "I heard that Ms. Easton has been taking care of Ms. Easton, especially after the kidnapping. When she fell ill, it was you helping take care of her. The Gage family is very grateful to you, and if you want anything later, you just tell Manuel."
These words sounded fine, but Ainsley was regarded as an outsider according to those words.
"Mr. Koen Gage is being too polite."
Irene stared at Ainsley carefully for a long time, and the meaning in her eyes was unclear.