There was still a little money in her bank account, plus the one million dollars that Kaliyah was willing to lend her. Even if she had so much money, it was still far from ten million dollars!
In the conference hall of the University of Washington, Ainsley was seated and facing the camera, and the defense had not yet started.
Raymond and Professor Wade had come over and instructed her many times. Besides, Mollie had also given her many instructions before.
When the big screen was turned on, Ainsley saw that what was on it was also a conference room. Different from the one where she was, there were many judges seated, and she saw Mollie at a glance.
And Ainsley was sitting alone in the conference room, with her paper on the computer in front of her.
Before the defense began, she had already asked Mollie to print out copies of the paper and distribute them to the judges on site.
"You can start!"