"What?! He came to look for you?" Lainey said in shock.
Ainsley talked about it and Irene with Lainey right after the breakup.
Ainsley thought of the building she saw Manuel walk into that day and smiled sorrowfully, "I don't think so. He came for work."
"Aisy, don't think about him anymore." Lainey's voice became gentle.
"I see."
She was warning herself every moment not to think about Manuel. But the more she warned herself not to think, the more she would think.
"Aisy, I'll come over and keep you company."
Ainsley laughed. "Lainey, I know you're worried about me. Your family is so busy right now. Just stay home."
"Aisy, I'm worried about you." Lainey wanted to come over right away.
"It's okay. It's still a month away. You can come over whenever you're done."