Chapter 204 She Is the One Behind It

"Kaliyah? Are you sure it's her?" Matteo's eyes immediately turned cold.

Ainsley nodded solemnly. She had interacted with Kaliyah many times, and she had heard all kinds of words said by Kaliyah, whether they were nice or unpleasant. Though she didn't get to see the woman's face, she was sure that it was Kaliyah.

Ainsley figured that Kaliyah did so because of Cason.

She thought, Cason has been so strange lately. He would come over and comfort me after I broke up. Such behavior of his, of course, can make one suspicious, including me.

"Cason did not stand in the way regarding the matter that Kaitlin was arrested. It seems that he had already known. It proves that he knew it very well." Matteo paused for a moment. Then he continued, "Another important thing is that Kaliyah is pregnant."