Kaliyah gasped, and everyone looked at the big screen in shock.
Although the jade amulet prepared by Ainsley was precious, it was not rare or unique. If one searched carefully, it would not be difficult to obtain one.
In the auction, compared with the items from others, it was not that noticeable. However, its starting price ... was exorbitantly high.
The auction became livelier after the silence just now. Everyone was discussing the jade amulet. "Is the Easton family crazy? Such a jade amulet is not worth 16 million dollars at all!"
"It is a charity auction. We can do charity, but we are not here to be fooled!"
"That's right. I think the Easton family is treating us like fools!"
Cason also widened his eyes in surprise. Kaliyah said pretentiously, "Cason, 16 million dollars is too much. I think even Mr. Callahan would not set such a high price."
Cason frowned slightly because the price was also beyond his expectations.