When Aedan left, Irene and Kaliyah stared at Ainsley's back. They never believed that they were tricked by Ainsley.
"Don't go!"
Just as Ainsley and Matteo were about to leave, Irene called out to her, "Ainsley!"
"I wonder what Ms. Wade wants to say. The auction has ended."
"I don't need you to remind me. I know that the auction has ended, but I didn't expect you to be so scheming. I admire you for being able to play me around. However, I really want to know who told you about PineMist Island. Is it Manuel?" She glanced at Manuel beside her.
In Seattle, there was no second person who could get such a confidential document except Manuel. She didn't know how Aedan got it, but she was sure that Ainsley got it from Manuel.
Ainsley laughed. "Ms. Wade, are you asking me or questioning me? What's more, why should I tell you?"
She looked at Kaliyah through the crowd and said something meaningful, "Ms. Packer, it's nice working with you."