While Matteo and Ainsley were talking, Roman and Lainey walked over. Both of their faces were flushed. Ainsley said meaningfully, "What happened?"
Roman did not hide anything. He grabbed Lainey's hand and said, "Ms. Easton, I am with Lainey."
"Together? So fast?" Ainsley teased.
They left for less than half an hour. How could they be together?
Ainsley looked at Lainey worriedly. She was afraid that Lainey would be hurt.
After all, Lainey was so simple-minded, and although she had come into contact with Roman, she didn't know him well.
Lainey walked to Ainsley's side shyly and picked up the soup to drink it, but Roman stopped her. "It's cold. I'll make something new for you."
Roman took the soup away. Lainey looked at Ainsley and smiled embarrassedly, "Just now..."
An hour ago, her way out was blocked by Roman.
"Why are you afraid of this?"