"Do you want to help her?" Irene asked softly.
"Of course!" Serina nodded. No one wanted to help Ainsley more than she did.
Irene laughed softly and said, "The reason why the clarification is useless is that those people's social status was not as strong as Ainsley's. And they had not been treated by Ainsley. If there is someone who people believe will not be bribed and has been treated by Ainsley helped clarify for Ainsley, it should work."
Serina seemed to think of something. She said, "Isn't that me? Why don't I clarify for Ainsley?"
Irene nodded. "You can try."
Serina made up her mind. She took Irene's computer and tapped a lot of words on the social platform. Then she posted it online.
In order to be more convincing, she even recorded a video.